A Rarity: Positive News About Student Use of MySpace

Here is an interesting study about teen use of MySpace that runs counter to many perceptions. “The media and many parents have demonized MySpace, but we found that an overwhelming majority of adolescents are using the site responsibly.”
I believe this research emphasizes the need for educators to do more with educating students on the proper use of internet tools, including social networking.

eSchoolNews describes this study in their article

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One Comment

  1. MySpace and other social networking sites are here, so it really is important to focus on the strengths and educate our students about the risks. I think we’re headed down the wrong path to prohibit access, as those tools can become the “forbidden fruit.” I do think it’s important for adults to communicate with kids and even have their own accounts so they can experience the environment first hand.

    However, I do worry about kids who let these sites become a substitute for “good old fashioned” face-to-face personal interaction. Those kids who spend all their spare time online live a sheltered life – there is a lot to experience away from the keyboard.

    As for the risks – there are so many ways our kids are exposed to risks every day: walking down the street, pictures in the newspaper, and even just attending school. We just have to teach them to be safe.

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