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iOS 5 Potential and Accessibility Features for Classrooms

I am participating with the Apple Academy this week held in Cupertino. While I have learned much in just the first day, I will share two things that I look forward to for classroom implementation: potential iOS 5 features and the current iOS 4 accessibility features. Let’s start with the future: while I have been…

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Finding Apps and Staying Current with iPad and Android

So most of us have read articles that list “The 10 Best Apps for…” or “My Favorite Apps to…” There are hundreds out there, many listed in my list of bookmarks (so what do you call a list of lists?) Several sessions here at the ISTE Conference provide great suggestions for apps (e.g. What’s Your App? Finding Real…

Tips for Using the iPad as a Laptop Replacement While Attending Conferences

I have had several days using the iPad as my main device (yes, I temporarily ditched my laptop) at the ISTE 2010 education/technology conference and discovered several crucial tips to make it usable as a computer replacement as well as some challenges to consider. Why bother replacing a laptop? Two huge issues: weight and battery…


Linux Is Ready for Education, But Education Isn’t Ready for Linux

Over the years I have been an on-again, off-again user of Linux. I find Linux so interesting, but in my mind it has been hard to embrace it as an operating systems for mainstream users. Of particular problem has been installing or making any changes to software configurations and making Linux work with available hardware….