Next Version of JPEG is Microsoft’s format

JPEG is the standard for photo sharing, particularly on the internet. Now a new proposed version, JPEG RX, is based on a Microsoft standard. Electronista | Microsoft format to become JPEG successor Microsoft format to become JPEG successorThe multinational Joint Photographic Experts Group, responsible for the JPEG standard used in virtually all mainstream imaging, has…

Apple Leopard Technical Review

Even if you do not have Macs, often the technology they implement shows up in other areas. Here is a more technical review of Apple’s Leopard that talks about OpenDirectory/ActiveDirectory, user backup systems, scripting, user interface, & security (including application sandboxing). Not Just Another Leopard Review — InformationWeek Another in-depth review: Mac OS X 10.5…

Should schools block social networks/communication tools or utlize them?

While most educators recognize that social networks/communication via technology are used by many students, I suspect most of us underestimate their utilization. A new study finds their use more widespread that we may realize: eSchool News online – Online social networks hold promise for learning October 1, 2007—Creating content and connecting with their peers online…

Microsoft offering new Office Live Workspace

Microsoft is offering a new capability to match their competitors web offerings by providing Office Live Workspace. Microsoft Joins Online Productivity Battle With Office Live Workspaces — Microsoft Office “Peopleare e-mailing documents all the time,” said Eric Gilmore, a Microsoft senior product manager for Microsoft Office. “That’s an inefficient way to do things when you…

eSchoolNews: More changes at Gateway Computer

eSchoolNews explains how Idaho-based MPC is set to take over Gateway’s professional business unit in a deal that closely follows Acer’s acquisition of Gateway’s consumer business:eSchool News online – MPC acquires Gateway’s school business Just days after Taiwanese computer maker Acer Inc. announced plans to acquire Gateway Inc. for $710 million, Gateway’s school customers learned…