Apple Leopard Technical Review

Even if you do not have Macs, often the technology they implement shows up in other areas. Here is a more technical review of Apple’s Leopard that talks about OpenDirectory/ActiveDirectory, user backup systems, scripting, user interface, & security (including application sandboxing).

Not Just Another Leopard Review — InformationWeek

Another in-depth review:

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard: the Ars Technica review: Page 1

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One Comment

  1. I was at a session this past week showing apple leopard and of course I had to get it and put it on my machine. It is great! Some of the new features include time machine to backup your data to whatever it finds–zip disk, zip drive, flash drive and it will do it hourly with only the size of data source limiting it. The ability to get it to work with active directory more cleanly will make it a strong player in the education market. I also sad Leopard Server and its ability to be a wikki server and pod casting server. This is definitely the best tool for the job in my opinion!

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