Do Schools Do Enough with Inventiveness?
Do Schools Do Enough with Inventiveness?
Click the link directly above to see this entry TIE’s Lead blog.
Click the link directly above to see this entry TIE’s Lead blog.
NewsFactor Network | Linux Ecosystem Spending To Exceed $49 Billion IDC researchers predict that spending on the Linux ecosystem will rise from $21 billion in 2007 to more than $49 billion in 2011, driven by rising enterprise deployments of Linux server operating systems. Linux server deployments are expanding from infrastructure Relevant Products/Services-oriented applications to more…
I have previously written about the potential of Linux in educationDell Pushing Linux? May25, 2007. Technology & Learning this month has a cover story about the growing role of Linux in schools. Some points of the article apply directly to technology efforts in South Dakota: Techlearning: Linux Makes the Grade – November 15, 2007 Today,more…
While Microsoft will not set a date, PC World cites a web source that predicts the next service pack for Windows XP is coming next month. PC World – Windows XP SP3 Due Next Month, Report Says
Over the years I have been an on-again, off-again user of Linux. I find Linux so interesting, but in my mind it has been hard to embrace it as an operating systems for mainstream users. Of particular problem has been installing or making any changes to software configurations and making Linux work with available hardware….
See this post in the TIE Teach Blogclick the link above to read more about the new NETS standards.
eWeek has published a brief but timely article that is applicable to our work in education: 10 More Stupid Things Smart IT People Still Do Here is a sampling of easy trappings they recommend you avoid: Cast a jaded eye on emerging technologies and modes of delivering technology. Ignore investment in training and professional development….