Next Windows OS Coming Sooner Than Expected?

The rumor mill is bubbling up with talk of the next version of Windows, currently called Windows 7. Speculation is that Microsoft is aiming for release the end of 2009, with is significantly quicker than the five years it took to produce Vista from Windows XP (keep in mind Vista was originally targeted to come out much sooner than it’s actual release date). Considering the higher level of frustration with Vista from the tech community, it makes some sense that Microsoft would want to move more quickly to the next version of Windows. It may even make financial sense to try to get a version out soon for the IT people who are refusing to leave XP to Vista. But acceptance of new versions of Windows always comes down to new needed features vs. cost. Unfortunately, as more discussion occurs on an expected product, speculation on new features makes it difficult to determine true fact from fiction. We will have to keep our eyes and ears open as more “sightings” occur.

Seven Things We’d Like to See in Windows 7

First shots of Windows 7 leaked? And by 7, we mean Vista. – Engadget

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One Comment

  1. Why don’t they just do like they have done in the past. Copy the new features in the latest Mac OS, port it to a window with a square box and call it good. Microsoft has always considered Apple as their R&D; department!

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