NECC 2007 – Virtual Worlds
How Virtual Worlds Help Real Students: The River City MUVE
Please click on the link directly above to read this entry in the TIE Teach blog…
Please click on the link directly above to read this entry in the TIE Teach blog…
This year the Los Angeles Unified School District started a new initiative entitled MyFutureMyDecision: utilizing Web 2.0 Technology such as Myspace and You Tube, along with POWER 160 a local radio station and text messenging to aid in decreasing their dropout rate. The district hopes that this new endeavor will reach students through a medium…
eSchoolNews explains how Idaho-based MPC is set to take over Gateway’s professional business unit in a deal that closely follows Acer’s acquisition of Gateway’s consumer business:eSchool News online – MPC acquires Gateway’s school business Just days after Taiwanese computer maker Acer Inc. announced plans to acquire Gateway Inc. for $710 million, Gateway’s school customers learned…
eWeek has published a brief but timely article that is applicable to our work in education: 10 More Stupid Things Smart IT People Still Do Here is a sampling of easy trappings they recommend you avoid: Cast a jaded eye on emerging technologies and modes of delivering technology. Ignore investment in training and professional development….
While this question sounds like it is from technology staff having a really bad day, it is actually the main question for an older article posted on C/Net. The issue is: “Might it be so that we use the term and concept of user education as a way to cover up our failure?” he asked…
The rumor mill is bubbling up with talk of the next version of Windows, currently called Windows 7. Speculation is that Microsoft is aiming for release the end of 2009, with is significantly quicker than the five years it took to produce Vista from Windows XP (keep in mind Vista was originally targeted to come…
JPEG is the standard for photo sharing, particularly on the internet. Now a new proposed version, JPEG RX, is based on a Microsoft standard. Electronista | Microsoft format to become JPEG successor Microsoft format to become JPEG successorThe multinational Joint Photographic Experts Group, responsible for the JPEG standard used in virtually all mainstream imaging, has…