SD ranks near bottom in bandwidth speeds
2¢ Worth » State-by-State Bandwidth Ranking
eSchool News online quotes that large gaps exist among the average download speeds of various states as well as nations.
A pair of reports form
Broadband Mapping and Data Collection
Testimony of CWA President Larry Cohen before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
ViewDocument (PDF 40 kb) May 17, 2007 | Category: Data, Defining High Speed, Need
for National Policy
The Broadband Fact Book
This publication, from the Internet Innovation Alliance, presents a wide array of information
about broadband in the U.S.–user demographics, data on speeds and availablity, and statistics ono the growth of the internet.
View Document (PDF 2.7 mb) June 1, 2007 | Category: Data, Economic Growth
Interesting quotes from the factbook:
Less than 25% of rural Americans have
broadband connections By the end of 2005, 24% of rural Americans had high-speed Internet connections at home compared with 39% of adult Americans living elsewhere. In 2003, 9% of rural Americans had
broadband at home, less than half the rate (22%) of urban and suburban Americans. For overall Internet use (by whatever connection from any location), the penetration rate for adult rural Americans lagged the rest of the country by 8% at the end of 2005 (a 62% to 70% margin). This is about half the gap that existed at the end of 2003, Pew Internet & American Life Project reports.
Japanese can get 8.5 times the speed for
one-twelfth the cost U.S.
consumer pay more for slower speeds. In the U.S., DSL generally reaches speeds of up to 1.5 — 3.0 mbps at a price averaging $30-$50 per month (not including fees) while cable modems generally reach speeds of 3-5 mbps for $40-$50 per month. In Japan, the cost of an average connection with the speed of 26 mbps costs about $22.
The contrast is even more striking when expressed in terms of cost per 100 kbps. The top speed generally available in Japan is 51 mbps at a cost of $0.06 per 100 kbps. The top speed generally available
in the U.S. is 6 mbps available at a cost of $0.72 per 100 kbps. In other words, the Japanese have 8.5 times the speed at 1/12 of the cost.
Broadband telework – time savings equivalent
to 4 weeks of vacation a year A survey conducted by Sage Research offers further evidence of the benefits of IP communications. 100 organizations that have deployed IP communications reported an average benefit of 4.3 hours per week (or 28 days a year) for each remote worker.
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When you hear broadband providers or your colleagues and friends talking about “wireless” they could actually
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