Next Version of JPEG is Microsoft’s format

JPEG is the standard for photo sharing, particularly on the internet. Now a new proposed version, JPEG RX, is based on a Microsoft standard. Electronista | Microsoft format to become JPEG successor Microsoft format to become JPEG successorThe multinational Joint Photographic Experts Group, responsible for the JPEG standard used in virtually all mainstream imaging, has…

Apple Leopard Technical Review

Even if you do not have Macs, often the technology they implement shows up in other areas. Here is a more technical review of Apple’s Leopard that talks about OpenDirectory/ActiveDirectory, user backup systems, scripting, user interface, & security (including application sandboxing). Not Just Another Leopard Review — InformationWeek Another in-depth review: Mac OS X 10.5…

Palm’s New Device: Folio

Palm hosted a video webcast to announce the Folio, a smartphone companion device. It is too early to tell if it will have any uses for education. Here is Palm’s webpage on itscapabilities (click on Experience FolioàFunction):Other info about the device: Powered by ScribeFire.

HDTV – Are we ready?

I must admit, as a technology advocate I have not been following the HDTV market as much as I should. The costs seem outrageous, so I have been waiting till the prices start becoming “affordable” for my pocketbook. Unfortunately, last fall I was pushed into a decision as our home TV started giving out (actually…

New Broadband Access

Here is an interesting idea to help bring broadband to rural areas. It leaves a lot of questions about the ability to take a one-way communication technology and turn it into a two-way technology, but it is an interesting idea to keep watching. FCC mulls new broadband service – eSchool News online eSchool News staff…