Audio/Music Software and Song Creation
Audio/Music Software and Song Creation
Click on the link directly above to read this entry on TIE’s ConnectEd blog.
Click on the link directly above to read this entry on TIE’s ConnectEd blog.
Google LatLong: Now Playing: YouTube videos in Google Earth Now Playing: YouTube videos in Google EarthThursday, October 11, 2007 at 6:25 AMPosted by Amin Charaniya, Software Engineer, Google Earth Now you can find YouTube videos connected to specific locations right in Google Earth. Our new browseable layer of geotagged videos works a lot like our…
With this new feature, users can now view heavenly objects, including stars, constellations, galaxies, planets and the Earth’s moon within Google Earth (GE), based on the user’s current location on earth within the software. GE also provides additional visual/text information within the Layers panel, including Constellations, Backyard Astronomy, Hubble Showcase, The Moon, The Planets, User’s…
eSchoolNews reports that Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) recently visited the Scandinavian countries–who have scored highly in international math and science testing–to contrast their approach with the United States. While they talk about a variety of issues, they do mention the student role and teacher role that includes internet filtering: Top News – U.S. educators…
While there are many features I love about the Web 2.0 model, I don’t find the tools are quite capable to replace my productivity tools just yet. But the idea is intriguing: are the capabilities becoming advanced enough for users to consider switching over? If not now, when does it become compelling? While it is…
It used to be easy to write off the hardware specs of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) device, called XO, as a novelty. They were designing what appeared to be a low power laptop for sale only to 3rd-world countries. But the trend can be ignored no more. First of all, it is not…
Often you may come upon a website you wish to add to a web 2.0 resource like Diigo, Delicious, Evernote, Livebinder, ReadItLater, Instapaper, Shareholic, etc. On a computer browser, you can install extension toolbars to make quick work of it, but not so easily on the iPad. Not wanting to relegate the iPad to a…