New Astronomy Tool: “Truly Transformative”
Connect-Ed@TIE: New Astronomy Tool: “Truly Transformative”
South Dakota is 2nd to last in a state by state ranking of bandwidth speeds, and the US came in 16th for rankings with other nations in a report by David Warlick posted this blog about the reports:2¢ Worth » State-by-State Bandwidth Ranking eSchool News online quotes that large gaps exist among the average…
Microsoft is offering a new capability to match their competitors web offerings by providing Office Live Workspace. Microsoft Joins Online Productivity Battle With Office Live Workspaces — Microsoft Office “Peopleare e-mailing documents all the time,” said Eric Gilmore, a Microsoft senior product manager for Microsoft Office. “That’s an inefficient way to do things when you…
The laptop is gaining and surpassing the desktop in sales. For years, the laptop was a niche market that has now grown to become the main form factor of computer for most people. The Chicago Tribune reports: Laptops become computer of choice for individual Americans — Analysts say U.S. laptop sales rose 21 percent…
I hesitate to make comments on unverified devices, because there is already too much speculation going on. But I cannot let some of the short-sighted comments spinning around the web go unchecked. I feel a need to qualify that I am not an Apple fan-boy–I do not look forward to another Steve-stage moment. I disdain…
PCWorld tests the new hard drives that combine flash with magnetic hard disks. The advantages is quicker save times and lower power requirements. This may be a trend worth watching. PC World – Tested: New Hybrid Hard Drives From Samsung and Seagate Tested: New Hybrid Hard Drives From Samsung and SeagateThese drives promise the best…
As we in South Dakota schools discovered with the release of Internet Explorer 7 (e.g. Infinite Campus incompatibilities), being prepared for future browser releases can make life smoother for everyone. PCWorld reports on a Microsoft posting that provided some details of plans for IE8: PC World – Microsoft Stresses Backward Compatibility for IE8 Microsoft Corp….