Unit 2 Rethinking Role of Assessor and Feedback-Giver


Read Effective Grading Practices Article

View the video Grades and Class Rankings

Read Grades

Read The Challenges Of Data-Based Teachingthe primary function of assessment in a dynamic learning environment is to provide data to revise planned instruction. It tells you where to go next.

Read Fine-Tuning Assessments for Better Feedback: Quizzes and tests don’t
count as feedback if educators and students can’t act upon the
information they provide
(requires USF login)
Read Getting GREAT at Feedback: The key to feedback is how it is received by the student (requires USF login)

Listen to Learning Scientists podcast on feedback
Listen to interview of the author of Flash Feedback

Read Inconvenient Truths

Read Peer Feedback Strategies

Read Why Providing Proof of Skills Is Essential for Students’ Future Success

Read these articles on Mark Withholding and Delay the Grade

Read the article Flipped Feedback

Read Calling for a “Timeout” on Rubrics and Grading Scales

View the videos from the activities U2Grading, U2Feedback, U2FlexInstruction, U2Transition, and U2Motivation (below):


U2Grading – Rethinking Grading Practices

U2Feedback – Feedback is Everything!

U2FlexInstruction – Making Making Instruction More Flexible

U2Transition – Transition to Mastery Grading

U2Books – Important Points from Each Book


Live Session 2 Resources


Assignment 1

Feedback Guide for U2Asgmt1

How we do feedback is key to success in a personalized/customized learning environment. Specifically identify several elements from from various readings/viewings from Units 1-3 (articles from Unit 2 and videos including Flipped Feedback, Flash Feedback, Embedded Formative Assessment, Effective Feedback, Rubrics, SDT Feedback) and explain what feedback in a classroom setting should look like. Describe key practices of feedback you would incorporate in your classroom this fall. Identify how this would be different than what is typically found in traditional settings. Include references from at least 6 articles/podcasts and 1 book.  Three to four pages – label it Feedback and be sure to include your name in the name of the file.

Assignment 2

Feedback Guide for U2Asgmt2

This assignment is designed to help you reflect and rethink how you plan instruction for learners. In a personalized environment, facilitators need to 1) determine alternatives to whole group instruction, 2) develop choice options in a variety of learning paths or choices, 3) examine feedback to help learners be successful, and 4) integrate related Learner Agency skills. Use the flexible instruction planning tool  from U2FlexInstruction to help you plan a unit or learning target (one that is complex enough to span over several days–small lessons do not work as well) for a personalized setting (learners utilizing choice and varying pace). Along with the planning tool, write a paper explaining your thinking. Describe (and provide links when appropriate) the variety of resources you will use to enhance learner choice or options for their instructional path.  Explain how delivery of instruction can occur if students are in different places in content/skills. Provide some ideas how feedback “hinge points” can inform you and your learners of their progress at different stages of the lesson. Identify the Learner Agency characteristics that are related to the unit. In the paper describe how all the pieces can work together in a personalized flow through the lesson, contrasting it to a more traditional flow. Turn in 1) the paper three to six pages, 2) a hyperdoc/web page/choice board/LMS page(s) that guide the learners through the options, and 3) the planning tool with at least one learning target column filled out- label it U2Asgmt2 – Flex Instruction  and be sure to include your name in the name of the file.


Assignment 3

 Participate in Live Session 2 — if you miss the live session you will need to view the video and turn in a make-up paper. The paper should summarize the content and discussion that occurred during the live session, including any thoughts that would contribute to the discussion.


?Book Assignment [AsgmtBk]
This next assignment for Unit 2 provides a book choice for you:

Giving Students a Say

Feedback Guide for AsgmtBkGS

[AsgmtBkGS] When providing feedback on your paper, I usually include a grid with Context along the left margin and Content across the top, i.e. questions about the book (view this video Make It Happen–Feedback with Thinking Maps) . Because Give Students a Say provides a study guide (a couple chapters after the Conclusion chapter), it seems an opportune time to provide you a choice option. Rather than have me as instructor ask five of my questions, I will ask you to choose five question clusters from the study guide (no two from the same chapter and at least one from chapter 6). Clearly identify which question clusters and chapter you are addressing. Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the bookAlso include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Five to eight pages – label it AsgmtBkGS and be sure to include your name in the name of the file.

Assessing With Respect

Feedback Guide for AsgmtBkAR

[AsgmtBkAR] After reading Assessing With Respect, what are some Strategies for Developing Appropriate, Trusting Relationships (chap 1)? What are some steps for explicitly teaching students how to identify their learning strengths and challenges (chap 2)? What are some ideas for helping learners with self management and responsible decision-making (chap 3&4)? What does the author say about the Emotional Toll of Grading (Chap 5)? What are important points developing a culture of personalized assessment? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book? Be specific on the assessment practices you believe are need to be revamped and implemented throughout the paper. Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkAR and be sure to include your name in the name of the file.

[AsgmtBkFF] After reading Flash Feedback, note the Hattie quotes throughout the book–choose 2 of those quotes and describe their significance in personalized learning. Figure 3.4 describes ways to get goals more focused–what ways can you bring out better student goals and how are micro-conferences and student self reflections related to that process? What are some specific points Johnson makes about how mindsets are often tied to our feedback? The author describes how that peer response “invites a near perfect storm of social, logistical, and emotional challenges for the students.”–what can we do to make peer response and self-review a powerful instructional tool? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book? Be specific on the assessment practices you believe are need to be revamped and implemented throughout the paper. Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkFF and be sure to include your name in the name of the file.

Grading for Equity

Feedback Guide for AsgmtBkGE

[AsgmtBkGE] After reading Grading for Equity, why is traditional grading demotivating (chapter 5)? What are some of the issues of accuracy (chapters 7-8) with traditional grading and how do you resolve it? What are some issues of bias (and incorporating learner behavior) with traditional grading (chapters 9-10) and how do you resolve it? Of the nearly dozen questions and issues the author discusses for retakes/redos—which two or three do you consider most important for educators (chapter 11)? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book? Be specific on the assessment practices you believe are need to be revamped and implemented throughout the paper. Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkGE and be sure to include your name in the name of the file.

How to Give Effective Feedback

Feedback Guide for AsgmtBkEF

[AsgmtBkEF] After reading How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students, how does the relationship between learner and teacher/facilitator change? What should the feedback look like (written and oral)? What are some of the strategies of “teachers who are experts of formative assessment”? How do self-regulation, self-assessment, or peer-assessment come in to play? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book? Be specific on the assessment practices you believe are need to be revamped and implemented throughout the paper. Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkEF and be sure to include your name in the name of the file.

Grading from the Inside Out

Feedback Guide for AsgmtBkGIO

[AsgmtBkGIO] After reading Grading from the Inside Out, note the sections throughout the book”How to Bring Parents on Board.” This is a crucial aspect to bringing about change in how we assess–many parents have vested interest in keeping the system as is. What is the case to be made to parents on why we need to change the grading/reporting process? What does the author mean by “true north”? What myths are the most difficult to break? How is standards-based grading and mindset different from traditional grading? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book? Be specific on the assessment practices you believe are need to be revamped and implemented throughout the paper. Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting.Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkGIO and be sure to include your name in the name of the file.