Learner Agency Live Session 3 ResourcesClass Shared Spreadsheet

Class Shared Spreadsheet

Discussion: Motivation & Choice

After watching the 3 videos:

  • Give some examples of option choice vs action choice from your classroom content?
  • Does personalized learning mean no deadlines?
  • What conditions need to be in place for goals to have a bigger impact with learners?

Unit 3 Book-Share


Makeup discussion from Live Session 2

From the Grading page, read the Effective Grading Practices article, watch the Grades and Class Rankings video and the two Transition to Mastery Grading videos. Be able to answer the questions:

How is Mastery Grading a tougher grade than traditional grading? How is it different than pass/fail?

What practices of grading do we need to change? 

Why change the traditional grading system–why not just leave it alone?

Discussion: Foundation Documents

Instructional Look-Fors (focus on the Rigor, Customization, and Purposefulness)

  • What teacher strategies are occurring in your classroom right now?
  • What teacher strategies do you need to work on next to move to more personalization in your classroom?

Final prep & questions

Unit 1: Whole group review of concepts from articles, videos, podcasts

Unit 2: Whole group review of concepts from articles, videos, podcasts

Unit 3: Whole group review of concepts from articles, videos, podcasts