Unit 1
Developing Learner Agency and Responsibility

Books – Choose one book to read:


Read  Orchestrating the Move to Student-Driven Learning (will require USF login)

Read Opening Stronger-and More Open to Inquiry (will require USF login)

Read You Can Find Research that Proves Anything | | TD;LR

Read/listen Blended Learning 4 Models That Work

Read Agency – Then, Now & Next

Read How to Personalize Instruction with Seminars

Read Why Middle Schoolers Thrive in a Self-Paced Classroom

Read Collective Teacher Efficacy

Read What Pirates Have to Teach Us About Leadership

Read It’s Time for Curriculum Mapping 3.0

Read/listen to How to Find, Read, and Use Academic Research

View the videos from the activity U1Interviews, U1FoundConcepts, U1Framework, U1Standards, U1Books, U1 Articles, and U1Motivation (below

Optional: 10 Unexpected Prompts to Try in ChatGPT (including link to free ebook on ChatGPT)


Live Session 0 (Intro) Resources  [review before the live session]

U1Interviews – Evolving Role of the Teacher in Customized/Personalized Environments

U1FoundConcepts – Powerful Foundational Concepts for Customized Learning

U1Framework – Personalized/Customized Framework for Change

U1Standards – Rethinking Curriculum Standards

U1Books – Important Points from Each Book

U1Motivation – Understanding Motivation (for Unit 1)

U1Articles – Ed Leadership, Nov 22

Live Session 1 Resources [review before the live session]


Assignment 1

Compose a short video:

  • Your name, district, and current position/work that you do

  • Explain why do chose this program. What do you hope to get out of this Masters?
  • If you were to visit a schools or classrooms touted to be personalized environments, what 3-4 things would you look for in those settings as evidence that they are customized?
  • Right now, where do you fall on the continuum from “Fully Traditional” to “Fully Personalized”? How about your school?

I absolutely request this to be short and imperfect (I do not want you to spend significant time). You submit this as a 60-120 second video (use your smartphone, tablet, or computer), post it to a site like Youtube or another cloud service, and share/send me the URL. No perfect videos–I ask you make this within two takes (curb that perfectionist side of you–note the imperfection of the videos I post).

Remember, the purpose of this is to help me learn more about you–it is not a graded assignment–so don’t spend much time on it. Post the file in the USF System under Coursework – label it Intro and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. U1Asgmt1 – Intro – Lennie Symes). If it is web-based (e.g. Youtube) you can put the URL in a Word document to upload or you can email to Lennie Symes <Lennie.Symes@USiouxFalls.edu>.

After examining the Learner Agency (LA) concept paper (U1FoundConcepts), describe which LA indicators are important for the level of learners you work with. Explain why it is important to implicitly work with learners on LA skills prior to implementing customized structures in the classroom. What role does LA play in making a customized environment successful? Can learners handle a personalized /customized environment without LA? Tell me other things you learned not covered by my questions—what other ideas did this/these reading(s) generate for you?  Two to three pages – label it U1Asgmt2 – Learner Agency First Thoughts and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. U1Asgmt2-Learner Agency First Thoughts – Lennie Symes).

Assignment 3

Feedback Guide to EL Articles

Choose 3 or more of the articles from U1Articles and write a paper about what you learned. What stood out to you in each article? What things from each article could be implemented in your classroom setting? Were there elements within each article that were difficult to agree with or understand? For a summary to the paper, compare/contrast the articles and identify commonalities. What do these articles have to do with this course? Be sure to specifically cite elements of the articles in your writing, including the integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Three to four pages – label it U1Asgmt3 and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. U1Asgmt3 – Lennie Symes).


  Participate in Live Session 0 (Intro) — if you miss the live session you will need to view the video and turn in a make-up paper. The paper should summarize the content and discussion that occurred during the live session, including any thoughts you would contribute to the discussion. Also, include 2-3 paragraphs that focus on Learner Agency at a personal level—in other words, take this opportunity to play the learner (like the learners in your classroom). Use the TIE tools to focus on your own personal learner agency during this course: what learner agency aspects will you personally try to focus on and improve within yourself as a learner this spring?


Participate in Live Session 1 — if you miss the live session you will need to view the video and turn in a make-up paper. The paper should summarize the content and discussion that occurred during the live session, including any thoughts that would contribute to the discussion.

?Book Assignment [AsgmtBk]
This next assignment for Unit 1 provides a book choice for you:

Mastery Learning Handbook

Feedback Guide to AsgmtBkML

[AsgmtBkML] When providing feedback on your paper, I usually include a grid with Context along the left margin and Content across the top–questions about the book (view this video Make It Happen–Feedback with Thinking Maps). Because Mastery Learning Handbook provides book study questions at the end of each chapter, it seems an opportune time to provide you a choice option. Rather than have me as instructor ask five of my questions, I will ask you to choose at least five question clusters from the study guide (no two from the same chapter cluster–also, choose chapter(s) from all parts of the book). Clearly identify which question clusters and chapter you are addressing. Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the bookAlso include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting.
Five to eight pages – label it AsgmtBkML and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. AsgmtBkML – Lennie Symes).

Balance With Blended

Feedback Guide for AsgmtBkBB

[AsgmtBkBB] When providing feedback on your paper, I usually include a grid with Context along the left margin and Content across the top–questions about the book (view this video Make It Happen–Feedback with Thinking Maps). Because Balance With Blended Learning provides book study questions at the end of each chapter, it seems an opportune time to provide you a choice option. Rather than have me as instructor ask five of my questions, I will ask you to choose five question clusters from the study guide (no two from the same chapter). Clearly identify which question clusters and chapter you are addressing. Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the bookAlso include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting.
Five to eight pages – label it AsgmtBkBB and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. AsgmtBkBB – Lennie Symes).

Learn Like a Pirate

Feedback Guide for AsgmtBkLP

[AsgmtBkLP] After reading Learn Like a Pirate, what aspects of the student-led classroom could contribute to a customized environment? To accomplish a Silent Day, what learner collective leadership skills need to be developed for students to be successful for the day? How do you teach learners appropriate use of responsibility? How do you empower leaners who are currently “less than stellar citizens”? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book?  Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkLP and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. AsgmtBkLP – Lennie Symes).

[AsgmtBkTT] After reading Thrive, make plans to integrate three or more new (i.e. ones you haven’t taught before) activities with learners that explicitly teach an aspect of Learner Agency. You can utilize the list of Thrive Skills in Action the end of Unit1Books or resources found in the Learner Agency Resources, including any of the books listed. Describe what activities you chose (and where you found them), why you chose that activity, how you would manage the instruction within the activity, and how you would expect it to go with learners. Be sure to explicitly connect learner agency attributes with the Thrive Activities. Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book? Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkTT and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. AsgmtBkTT – Lennie Symes).

Collective Student Efficacy

Feedback Guide for AsgmtBkCSE

[AsgmtBkCSE] After reading Collective Student Efficacy Developing Independent and Inter-Dependent Learners, examine your own classroom instruction. In Chapters 3&4, the authors discussed several I and We skills: self-efficacy, feedback, agency, resilience, social sensitivity, potency, etc. Focus on three of these skills (your choice) and for each answer this question: how is this skill vitally important for personalized learning (compared to traditional learning)? What ways can we as educators improve learner success in mastery environments vs performance environments (Chapters 5&6)? Also, the authors describe the dilemma of “whether each student should receive unique feedback and grades, whether the group only should, or whether there should be feedback and grades at both the individual and group level”–what are some ideas you take away from this reading that helps you address assessment/feedback of group projects? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book? Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkCSE and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. AsgmtBkCSE – Lennie Symes)

[AsgmtBkBW] After reading The Book Whisperer, examine your own classroom instruction. Are there lessons of whole-class instruction that you can convert? Are there instructional challenges you have to work around? In what ways can you bring more options and authentic choices? How can you manage discussions and collaborative activities when students are not on the same content? Are there “unexamined wallpaper” practices that you are rethinking? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book?  Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkBW and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. AsgmtBkBW – Lennie Symes).

[AsgmtBk5L] After reading Five Levers, write a reflection on these three aspects of the readings: 1) If changing the structures alone is not enough for substantial change, what aspects should we focus on in a customized environment (Chapter 1-Structures)? And 2) what instructional practices do the authors reference (with research) that we should focus on in a customized environment (Chapter 4-Strategies)? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book (chapters 2, 3, or 5)? Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBk5L and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. AsgmtBk5L – Lennie Symes).

Breaking With Tradition

Feedback Guide for AsgmtBkBT

[AsgmtBkBT] After reading Breaking with Tradition, note in chapter 2, the author references the 3 Big Ideas for a PLC: why are each of these ideas important for developing collaboration among educators? What do the authors consider as important aspects of competency performance assessments? What elements are important for intervention and extension? How is collaboration (PLC) proposed in this book different than collaboration we see in a traditional setting? How do you maintain the changes for competency-based learning? Tell me other things the author(s) talked about that were not covered by my questions—what other important ideas or concepts did the author(s) discuss in the book?  Be sure to specifically cite elements of the book in your writing, and include elements from at least one article or video from the course readings that relate to the book. Also include integration ideas you have for your classroom setting. Four to five pages – label it AsgmtBkBT and be sure to include your name in the name of the file (e.g. AsgmtBkBT – Lennie Symes).